Berore the summer vacation...

 Hello! Summer vacation is coming now, and UNP test period will come before that. Do you feel happy or nervous? I'm worried about the test, but I'm looking forword to summer vacation more. In summer vacation for university students, we can do anything that we like and want to do. For example, taking part in club events, going on a trip, ang studying to improve your skills....We must experience and enjoy this summer! 

 Before you make plans for the summer vacation, do you have any plans for studying for the test... I haven't made a plan yet, but I'm doing my assignments well by deadline. I did a assignment 2 days ago, "it's UP2". I enjoyed cooking and taking a video for UP2. I'll tell tou my experience a little bit. 

(This is a picture of my sweets I cooked for UP2. Doesn't it looks good like shop's sweets. I'm satisfied with my performance.)

 It was difficult for me to take a video while cooking because I live alone and I tried to do UP2 alone. So I should have asked my friend to help me take a video, but I did it alone. Then I cooked a brownie, this recipe has a lot of prosesses. I regretted a little that I should have chosen something simpler but it's okey because this brownie was good taste and I enjoy cooking! Finally, I was happy to be able to complete UP2 assignment of cooking part. What did you chose and do for UP2? I'm interested in classmate's UP2.

 Before the summer vacation, we have to work hard on tasks and tests. LET'S DO OUR BEST!!! For summer vacation. For enjoying this summer.

 Thank you for reading!





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