UP2: Brownie for chocolate lovers

Do you like chocolate?
If you like it, you’ll be satisfied with my recipe. My brownie has a very good taste of chocolate and you can enjoy the soft and crispy texture. And, You will be able to make the brownie in about 45 minutes.
 When I was little, I used to eat this brownie made by my mother on a variety of occasions such as when I participated in tournaments of my club and when I was studying for exams, so this brownie is my mother’s taste for me. In addition, Eating this brownie gives me energy and I’m able to concentrate on important things. Also, I like chocolate so this brownie is my favorite homemade sweet. This time, I’ll introduce a recipe for my brownie because I hope you get energy for concentrating on important things like studying and working. Let's make my brownie!

You will need:

A bowl for making a brownie dough 

A whisk for mixing ingredients of a brownie dough

A rubber spatula for folding ingredients of a brownie dough  

A square mold with a side of 18 cm and a depth of 5 cm

(It’s possible to make my brownie if the mold isn’t exactly this sixe.)

A parchment(baking) paper for covering the inside of the mold to remove a baked brownie smoothly 

An oven made in Japan for baking brownie dough

(Also, you can use a convection microwave. And, If you use a foreign oven, you have to be careful about the baking time.)


☆ For the brownie dough

・70g Unsalted butter

・110g Sugar 

・2 Eggs

・100g flour

・20g Pure cocoa powder

☆ For toppings you can change freely

・90g Unsalted mixed nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews

・120g Chocolate

Preparations: Turn the butter to room temperature, and preheat the oven to 170 degrees celsius.


1) First, knead the butter with the whisk in the bowl. You have to keep kneading the butter until it becomes a butter paste like in the picture below.

2) Next, add the sugar to the butter and mix together with the whisk.

3) In addition, crack the two eggs and mix it well with the whisk.

4) After that, add the flour and the pure cocoa powder, and fold them with the rubber spatula. You have to move the rubber spatula vertically, don’t stir it.

A brownie dough is completed in this process!

5) Then, Attach the parchment(baking) paper to the inside of the mold. You must cover the mold to prevent the brownie dough from sticking to the mold. It’s recommended that you use a scissor to cover the edges of the mold with the parchment(baking) paper.

6) When it’s done, pour and press the brownie dough into the mold. Then, put and spread the mixed nuts on the brownie dough.

7) And, bake the brownie dough in the oven preheated to 170 degrees celsius for 20 minutes.

8) After baking, put the chocolates on the baked brownie and spread the chocolates all over the top of the baked brownie while it is hot. You are required to do this process quickly! If you like chocolate, you can use more chocolate.

9) Finally, wait until the brownie cools down and the chocolate hardens. If you use the refrigerator, the brownie will be completed sooner. I recommend that you cut this brownie into rectangles and sieve on a cute plate. It’s done.

It’s ready to eat!

How-to video: Natsumi Mov


 You can change toppings as you like with this recipe. For example, if you don’t like nuts, you can use silver dragee or dried fruit. Also, you can use white chocolate and you can draw your favorite messages with a chocolate pen. You can make your own version of this recipe as much as you can think of. Also, it’s better to check if the brownie is completely baked. The brownie is baked to the inside, if you stick a bamboo skewer in the brownie and the brownie dough doesn’t stick to a bamboo skewer after the process of 7.

 Want to make my brownie? I recommend this recipe to people who love chocolate or sweets, and who want to get energy for important things like working and studying. And, my brownie is perfect as a gift for someone you like. I think that it’s better to reduce the amount of sugar or chocolate when you give this brownie to people who don’t like sweets. This recipe is my favorite so I want you to make and eat my brownie. I’m sure you’ll like this recipe, too.

 Thank you for reading<3





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