
I went back to my home,Iwate from 5/2 to 5/5.This blog,I will show you how I enjoyed the GW holidays.

First,as soon as I got home,I greeted my cat. I was glad that he hadn’t forgotten me.I had a relaxing and happy day with my family and my cat.

(A photo of a my cat taking a nap with me.)

Next,I spent the rest of the holiday with my high school friends.That’s my best friend and my teammate of the high school swimming club.

I talked about college life and part-time job…etc, ate a lot of delicious food (ex:hamburgers,steaks and sweets…),and enjoyed my time with my friends.

(A photo of hamburg steaks I ate with my friends.)

It was a very very very happy time<3 I had a wonderful GW for the first time in my college life.

However, my happy GW is already over. Tomorrow is Friday,I have a class…

After GW, I have a lot of things that I want to do from May.I will declare on this blog that I want to do my best to be able to act positively.

1:Work hard at housework and saving money.(to keep my household account book well, to start a part-time job)

2:Keep on healthy life (diet) because I ate too much during GW and gained weight…Oh no…I always fail at this.

I want to achieve these two goals in May!!!Please cheer for me.

This is the end of this blog.Tell me about your GW memories at school.Let's do our best in May!Bye~


  1. I am glad to hear your story about your cat,bacause I heard that you missed your cat.
    I cheer you!! I want you to cheer for me,because I ate too much.
    Let's work hard to achieve goals together!

    1. Thank you for your comment!Ohhh,we are diet friends^^ I can work hard to achieve goals because of your comment.We will succeed,let's go for it~






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