Online Recipe Review: To The Potato Lovers

Hello. This blog is Online Recipe Review. I'll post URL of the recipe I chose.

The recipe that I used for the project of “Online recipe review” is “Australian Cheesy Potato Bake” of a site called “wandercooks”. I chose this website because I can get a lot of recipes and other information. It’s written by Sarah & Laura. They gather many recipes that are easy to make and suitable for all levels of cooking experience. Australian Cheesy Potato Bake is a really good dish with layers of baked potatoes and onions, and with the savory scent of cheese and garlic. I have 2 reasons why I chose this recipe. First, I can enjoy the foreign taste with ingredients found in Japan. Second, I love potatoes and the pictures look very delicious.

After reading this recipe several times, I went to AEON to buy the ingredients. I was confused because there were many kinds of creams, but I bought Fresh Cream 45% and I was able to get all the ingredients. In my kitchen, I cut the ingredients thin, and laid them on a plate with cream and salt and pepper. After that, I put cheese on top. It took about an hour to cook, but most of the time about 40 minutes, I just waited for it to bake. I made a mistake of putting too much cream in, so the dish became watery and did not become layered. Also, the top cheese turned brown and I took it out of the oven according to the recipe but it wasn’t cooked to the inside, so I heated it in the microwave. I made a few mistakes, but at the end I was able to cook the delicious dish.

The procedure of this recipe is as simple as cutting and baking, and it is easy to understand because the details such as the type of ingredients and the baking condition are written in detail. Also, the ingredients are simple and you can enjoy the taste of ingredients. This dish is really tasty. However, there is no description of the size of the container so you need to adjust the amount of ingredients, especially the amount of cream. Also, if you just use the general oven made in Japan according to the recipe, potatoes are not baked perfectly, so you have to overheat in the microwave. For the above reasons, I give this recipe 7 out of 10 points.

In addition to the recipe, this recipe page has a lot of information you want to know such as storage methods, other variations of this recipe, and nutrients. I enjoyed reading “Why We Love This” which made me more interested in this dish. In addition, there is a function that you can click to check the completion of the procedure, so it is hard to make mistakes. Also, you can cook without reading the recipe with videos and pictures.

Overall, I’m satisfied with this online recipe page. This reason is that the taste, ease of cooking, and polite explanation are perfect. I would recommend this recipe to large families and people who like BBQ and potatoes. However, you have to pay attention to the amount of ingredients and the baking time according to the container. Eventually I give this online recipe page 9 out of 10 points.

Thank you for reading.





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