
7月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

UP2: Brownie for chocolate lovers

Do you like chocolate? If you like it, you’ll be satisfied with my recipe. My brownie has a very good taste of chocolate and you can enjoy the soft and crispy texture. And, You will be able to make the brownie in about 45 minutes.  When I was little, I used to eat this brownie made by my mother on a variety of occasions such as when I participated in tournaments of my club and when I was studying for exams, so this brownie is my mother’s taste for me. In addition, Eating this brownie gives me energy and I’m able to concentrate on important things. Also, I like chocolate so this brownie is my favorite homemade sweet. This time, I’ll introduce a recipe for my brownie because I hope you get energy for concentrating on important things like studying and working. Let's make my brownie! You will need : ・ A bowl for making a brownie dough  ・ A whisk for mixing ingredients of a brownie dough ・ A rubber spatula for folding ingredients of a brownie dough   ・ A square mold with a side o

Berore the summer vacation...

 Hello! Summer vacation is coming now, and UNP test period will come before that. Do you feel happy or nervous? I'm worried about the test, but I'm looking forword to summer vacation more. In summer vacation for university students, we can do anything that we like and want to do. For example, taking part in club events, going on a trip, ang studying to improve your skills....We must experience and enjoy this summer!   Before you make plans for the summer vacation, do you have any plans for studying for the test... I haven't made a plan yet, but I'm doing my assignments well by deadline. I did a assignment 2 days ago, "it's UP2". I enjoyed cooking and taking a video for UP2. I'll tell tou my experience a little bit.  (This is a picture of my sweets I cooked for UP2. Doesn't it looks good like shop's sweets. I'm satisfied with my performance.)  It was difficult for me to take a video while cooking because I live alone and I tried to do UP2 al

New drama & Today's sweets

 Hi! These days, various drama for the new season is starting. Are there any dramas you are interested in or watching this season? I started watching a new drama. It's "Roppongi class"! I'll introduce and recommend this drama on this blog.  This drama is a LOVE and REVENGE drama based on "Itaewon class" in Korea. The main character is Miyabe Arata(Takeuchi Ryoma). This drama broadcast every Thursday and the first episode is already on air last Thursday.   I watched the first episode of this drama and got feel butterflies in my stomach. The first episode was very exciting and interesting. The scene that shocked me the most was the opening club scene! It is my favorite scene, because Asamiya Aoi(Hirate Yurina) acted very beautifully. She caught my eye and I was shocked by her beauty. Everyone should watch this drama, and at least watch this scene! I want to talk about it with someone who watch it.  I'll write more this time...I ate my favorite "Mitara

NEW! Mister Donut!

 Hello~ There is Mister Donut in AEON near my house so I often buy donuts. On July 6th, Mister Donut started selling new donuts. This time, I'll introduce them.  5 new collaborative donuts are on sale. Mister Donut made them with "BAKE INC." and "RINGO". Today, I bought 3 kinds of new donuts.  I was worried that it might be sold out after school but there was no need to worry. I was happy to sell all kinds of new donuts. After I got home, I chose to eat "Bake Cheese Tart Dounut" first. It was not too heavy on the cheese cream, and the tart donut and cheese cream are a good combination so it was really delicious!!! I was satisfied with it. I recommend this donut, you should try it if you like donuts or sweets. Ler's go to Mister Donuts as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to eating two remaining donuts. I need to exercise to make up for donuts I ate.  What kind of donuts do you like the best? Let me know in the comment. Also, I want to know