
6月, 2022の投稿を表示しています


  Hello! It’s so hot these days. And, we are busy now because we have many home works of UNP. Let’s do our best for summer vacation.  This time, I’ll introduce 2 smart phone games that I enjoy playing. I started 2 games new last Sunday after I talked about games with my friend and she told recommended games to me. Those games are “NamekoDXkiwami” and “Neko and Soup”.  “NamekoDXkiwami” is a game collecting Nameko and improving tolls that bring up Nameko. When I was an elementary school students, I have played it with my mother’s smart phone so it is my favorite game of my memory. Nobody is not good at playing it because it’s a easy game.   “Neko and Soup” is also a easy game to play. You just wait for Neko to make dishes, after that, you just tap dishes and earn money. This game’s graphic design is so cute. I recommend it to someone who wants and like to play a heartwarming game. Of course, NamekoDXkiwami too. I’m not good at keeping playing games but I will be able to keep it. If you h

Pool Cleaning

 Hi~ These days, it's so hot so I don't want to go to sclool. Summer is already coming!?Hot days makes me want to swim, because I used to swim when I was in elementary school and high school. I like swimming freely without thinking about time.  This time, I will tell you about a year event of my swimming club in high school. It is "pool cleaning". We have a tradition of cleaning our pool ourselves every year before summer. It is hard work but really fun.   The pool is very dirty at first and slippery by something like seaweed, so all club member don't want to go in... Pool cleaning in anime and manga is a beautiful scene but it's a fantsy! I know... However I felt "Seishun" when I cleaning with teammates. We had a sense of accomplishment when it became beautiful, and we enjoted playing with clean water. Also, we had photo time so we took a lot of fun photos that were took by instagrammers. That was one of my "Seishun" memories.  This photo

Online Recipe Review: To The Potato Lovers

Hello. This blog is Online Recipe Review. I'll post URL of the recipe I chose. 【 https://www.wandercooks.com/potato-bake/ 】 The recipe that I used for the project of “Online recipe review” is “Australian Cheesy Potato Bake” of a site called “wandercooks”. I chose this website because I can get a lot of recipes and other information. It’s written by Sarah & Laura. They gather many recipes that are easy to make and suitable for all levels of cooking experience. Australian Cheesy Potato Bake is a really good dish with layers of baked potatoes and onions, and with the savory scent of cheese and garlic. I have 2 reasons why I chose this recipe. First, I can enjoy the foreign taste with ingredients found in Japan. Second, I love potatoes and the pictures look very delicious. After reading this recipe several times, I went to AEON to buy the ingredients. I was confused because there were many kinds of creams, but I bought Fresh Cream 45% and I was able to get all the ingredients. In


 Hello! This time, I'll tell you about my favorite drama in this season.   That is "Koinante,honkideyattedousuruno?", "KOIMAJI" for short.This dorama stars Hirose Arisu and Matsumura Hokuto. And, This drama is a "true love story" of 6 people who cannot be serious about love. It's really There are many love events and problems in this drama, so I never bored watching it.   I don't usually watch TV ,also I was bored with the drama and couldn't watch the end of it. However, I think I'll be able to watch the end of this drama. I look forward to watching this drama every Monday at 22:00,so I'm sad that it'll eventually end but I want to know the ending of it.  I want to talk about it with someone who watches and likes it! Thank you for reading. bye~


 Hi! Today was a warm sunday and I felt good. These days, the rainy season has begun and it had been raining so today was a nice day.  This time, I'll introduce a shop to you on this blog. It's "Matsubokkuri"! This shop is a gelato shop and located in Shizukuishi, Iwate Prefecture. I went to this shop every year in high school because my club had a tradition of going there during the rookie swimming competition. There are many kinds of the jelato there and all their jelatoes are really delicious, so I enjoyed that time with my teammates<3  I'll put a link of this shop, check it out↓↓↓ 手づくりアイスクリーム牧舎 松ぼっくり - 岩手県雫石町の手づくりアイスクリーム牧舎松ぼっくりです。毎朝松原農場で搾るミルク100%でジェラートを作っています。 (matsubokkuri.jp)  My recommended flavors are sesame and milk. If you travel to Iwate, you should go there. This shop is surrounded by nature, and eating gelatoes on a bench outside is the healing time. I recommend it.  This gorilla greets you at the entrance of this shop. It's a Welcome gorilla!

The sea of the memory

 Hello! These days, I feel hot and the summer is coming. So I'll write this blog about the sea memory when I was a high school student.  I belonged to the swimming club of my high scool and I always practiced hard for the participation in the Tohoku tournament. I participated 4 times in that tournament that taken place twice a year. Among them, the sea that I visited is especially memorable, and it's hot lately and I remembered it.  When I participated the last Tohoku tournament in Akita, I visited the beautiful sea with my friend at free time. We walked for a very long time in the hot sun. When we arrived there, it's been a long time since I went to the sea so I was very impressed. The sea has a energy that touches a person's heart. After we arrived, we taken pictures, ran on the beach, and went into the sea etc... I'll probably never forget this memory.  Thank you for reading!